Giovanni Sallusti Figlio Di – For Sallusti, his brother “is like a father” because “he is a strict and orderly young man who tried to put my disorganized life in order,” he explained to friends. “He is a rigorous, tidy young man who tried to put order in my disorganized life,” explained Sallusti. When Maximilian and his mother found themselves in a difficult moment a few months ago, the Habsburg family came to their aid, and they found themselves in a position of trust.
Giovanni sallusti parents
Giovanni sallusti parents; Marco livore Travaglio took the initiative to get carried away, both to change the situation and to comment on a Libero title of an article signed by Giovanni Sallusti. The mere mention of Giovanni’s name piqued the interest of the legendary editor of the newspaper Fatto Daily, who credited him with an excellent starting point for one of his irresistible jokes.
Because it was a change of pace
Marco Lussuria Travaglio got carried away when he commented on the title of an essay written by Giovanni Sallusti, which was entitled Libero. The surname of the wonderful Giovanni was enough to attract the attention of the editor of the newspaper, providing him with a perfect starting point for one of his incontestably funny stories.
Giovanni sallusti parents
In November 2010, the Prosecutor of Naples presented evidence on the case of a Lombard satirical journalist, Nicola Porro, as part of a judicial investigation into the alleged domestic violence against Emma Marcegaglia, president of Confindustria, following the collection of some interviews telephone calls with the co-defendant of the journalist, Nicola Porro, deputy director of the “Giornale”.
Sallusti has added the Prize to his palmares
Sorrento Peninsula Arturo Esposito for journalism, which was conferred on him by Magdi Cristiano Allam in 2011. Following a disciplinary undertaking by the Order of Journalists of Lombardy, he was suspended from the profession of journalism for two months the following year, in the same year .
The accusation is that between the autumn of 2006 and the summer of 2008 the Order granted the authorization to Renato Farina, a former journalist who was part of the Order’s staff.
Alessandro Sallusti begins collaborating with “Mattino Cinque”, a television series broadcast in prime time on Canale5. He also resigns from the position of director of the “Order”, while continuing to hold the role of editor, to support the appointment of Vittorio Feltri as director of the “Giornale”. It was in September 2010 that Sallusti assumed the position of editor-in-chief of the Milanese newspaper .
In addition, Alessandro Sallusti was sentenced by the Milanese Court of Appeal to a fine of 5 million euros and one year and two months’ imprisonment for defamation through a written statement. The reason is a letter written under the pseudonym of Dreyfus and published in the magazine “Libero” in February 2007, which was deemed harmful to Giuseppe Cocilovo, a Turin judge who had previously filed a lawsuit against Sallusti himself.
In our publication of 14 July we published a title that deserved to be included in the frieze of the “Title of the week”, chosen by Travaglio himself: “Omrai amore only fascists do it”. The super director then inserts in brackets: “Giovanni Sallusti, son of Alessandro is a character from Libero. And, unfortunately, the effects are immediately visible”…..
Subsequently he became deputy director of the “Gazzettino” of Venice. The director of the “Province” of Como was appointed, and then moved on to “Libero”, a newspaper that served the centre-right region of the country, of which he was first co-director and then director in charge.
It was in August 2008 that she left the Milanese newspaper to take over the direction of “L’Ordine”, previously published by the Curia of Como and of which she is also an editor.From the beginning of 2007 to the end of August 2008, he was general manager and managing director of Libero.
He left Libero to become editor and director of L’Ordine di Como , the former newspaper of the diocese of Como, for which he had worked as a teenager, he returned to publications after Sallusti took over as editor and director. Since 2009 he has collaborated with the television program Mattino Cinque and has appeared as a political chat expert for RAI, Mediaset and LA7, among other networks.
The second reason is that Sallusti has expressed the desire to be part of the sentiment that was passed on to Patrizia from her family. The director not only has a son named Massimiliano, but he also has an ex-wife named Patrizia, from whom he divorced in 1996.
Une femme que elle-même a qualifiée de “extraordinaria” et qui lui souhaite toujours la meilleure. The Habsburg was there, seated in the front row next to Sallusti and her, to demonstrate that her presence is appreciated by those closest to the director.
Consequently, the director adds the following in brackets: “It is Giovanni Sallusti, son of Alessandro, who appears in Libero 14.7. And, unfortunately, the results can be seen”… .. Travaglio, on the other hand, is informed by a third party that the good Giovanni is not the director of the newspaper, but his nephew.
For Sallusti, his brother “is like a father” because “he is a strict and orderly young man who tried to put my disorganized life in order,” he explained to friends. “He is a rigorous, tidy young man who tried to put order in my disorganized life,” explained Sallusti.
When Maximilian and his mother found themselves in a difficult moment a few months ago, the Habsburg family came to their aid, and they found themselves in a position of trust. The director, also put to the test by the unexpected and painful separation from Daniela Santanchè, had been discovered in the hospital and had been operated on for a heart problem. And Patrizia, who, since Santanchè was founded by her husband, Prince Dimitri of Habsburg, shared the painful months of her separation with him, did not cry a second time.