Nicole Mazzocato Altezza – Lauren Mazzocato biography and private life of the influencer. From men and women to Don Matteo and God helps us, from Fabio Colliricchio to Armando Ambrosio and their son Paolo. Complete name: Nicole Mazzocato Date of birth: August 31, 1990 Location of birth: Belluno Zodiacal sign: Vergine 1.67 metres up. Model, TV personality, influencer, actress in line of work Data introduction: 2010 More details: VIP and star Social media: Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
Nicole Mazzocato was born on August 31, 1990, in Belluno. Since she was a young child, she has been interested in theatre, and in 2010, after receiving her master’s degree in 2008, she joined the Accademia Teatrale Lorenzo da Ponte in the province of Treviso, where she performed in the musical The Golden Lire Opera.
In parallel with her theatre studies, she becomes familiar with the fashion industry and starts her career as a model and indossatrice. Calculates Miss Italy pass-throughs in 2010 and takes part in the fourth edition of Veline, a programme that chooses the velines for the following Striscia the News edition, two years later.
With the choice to participate in Maria De Filippi’s dating programme, fame follows. Nicole Mazzocato participates in the 2014–2015 edition of Uomini e Donne, where she serves as Fabio Colliricchio’s correggiatrice. Here, it’s easy to notice and love so much that, at the end of the edition, the tronist chooses her and stops the transmission together with her. Due to her participation in this programme, Mazzocato has gained a lot of popularity and followers on social media, which has allowed her to collaborate with a variety of brands and launch her influencer career.
Due in part to his bravery, he is currently one of the most well-known Italians; his Instagram profile has one million and a half followers. In 2016, she made her small-screen acting debut while dressed as an actress. She was chosen to play a few minor roles in the television series Don Matteo and Che Dio ci aiuti, with actors of the calibre of Francesca Chillemi, Diana Del Bufalo, and Cristiano Caccamo.
a private life
Prior to taking part in Uomen e Donne, Nicole Mazzocato had a relationship with actor Matteo Branciamore, who plays the role of Marco, Alessandra Mastronardi’s fiancé, in the TV series I Cesaroni. Fabio Colliricchio was thus introduced to during the broadcast of Maria De Filippi, and after an enthusiastic journey together, the two parted ways from the programme, beginning an enduring love story that will end in 2019.
Due to the numerous litanies and the presunt traditions inside the couple, the two have separated. There have been reports about the model’s rumoured relationships with celebrities like Mario Balotelli and Salmo, but she has never confirmed any of them. Instead, something happened when Mazzocato started going out with the model Thomas Teffah, though the relationship was short-lived.
Because of shared friends, the influencer met the napoletan football player Armando Ambrosio (class of 1996) in 2021. The spark between the two is immediately picked up, and they become engaged and soon begin living together. The couple announced on Instagram that they were expecting a child in March 2022; Paolo was born on August 14, 2022. Progetti Miss Italia (2010) (in onda su Rai 1) Veline (in onda su Canale 5) since 2012. Uomini e Donne (in onda su Canale 5) in 2014-2015
Che Dio ci aiuti 4 (TV series), 2016 Don Matteo, a TV series from 2016. What are Nicole Mazzocato’s interests outside of acting and the theatre world? Nicole Mazzocato nurtures her love of travel, reading, and sports as a theatre fiancé. Has practised dancing and played tennis and basket for years. She also has a grudge against the ghiaccio pattinaggio.
Who helped propel her towards a career as an actress? According to what she said, her former boyfriend and actor Matteo Branciamore helped her start her career as an actress. What has been promised to be rife? The influencer has promised to have aesthetic surgery to have his or her nose reshaped. Sadun Flut The new three-dimensional pane for interior design LEGGI Personaggi Judith Buscemi Judith Buscemi Buccino, Cristina Buccino, Cristina Pinky Perrotta Pinky Perrotta
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